Monday, February 18, 2008

Super Tuesday

Tomorrow my bestest friend in the whole world (besides Damon, but she's part of the DAR triumvirate) is coming to stay for an unspecified amount of time!


I am so excited I can hardly contain myself.

In other news, something slightly unusual has been going on with our catch-all calendar e-mail address. Either the SPAM filter is letting more stuff through, or there are just more of these e-mails than there used to be. Regardless, there is a marked increase in the number of e-mails seeking men who are unhappy with their penis size.

For some reason, this surprises me. Is penis size really that big of a deal? I always thought it was more about security/insecurity.

Regardless, since the first of the year, the number of "Surprise her with your phenomenal love stick!" e-mails has AT LEAST doubled.

New Year's resolutions? Gearing up for Valentine's Day? I'll keep everyone posted.

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