Thursday, February 19, 2009

Been A Long Lonely, Lonely, Lonely, Lonely, Lonely Time

What can I say -- except, sometimes, my brain checks out for a lil' bit, and takes with it my body and emotions.

I had my birthday last week, which was fine and fun (thanks for asking). I've been doing a bunch of writing and not getting paid enough for it, and not spending nearly enough time on my master's project.

To counterbalance this, I set my defense date today (assuming it's okay with the profs). April 8. 2 p.m. Eeep! I'm hoping that the fact that it's my eight-month wedding anniversary will prove a good-luck charm, because I'm really freaking scared. I don't get scared at much ... but defending a graduate project definitely scares me, to the extent that it's been keeping me up at night. No fun.

To my regular readers, I apologize profusely. (Even though I only know of three people who check this blog even somewhat regularly.) If it makes the sting hurt a little less, then please note that I haven't been reading my advice columns lately, either.

The job stuff has got me kinda down, but it's not even that. I feel paralyzed sometimes by the amount of things that I have lined up in my life, ready to target and shoot. I feel like I might not shoot all the things, and then they'll overwhelm me with their thing-ness.

Which is neither here nor there. I still have stuff to do, but I will (hopefully!) be joining a yoga studio very very soon, which will help fill up my time, which actually helps immensely. When I have days and days and hours and hours stretching in front of me, seemingly endless, with very little structure ... well, I kind of have trouble handling that and staying focused. So. No more.

And ... it's got a HOT yoga room. My favorite. Jillian Michaels is good; I'm just interested to see what her workouts can do when combined with some serious detoxifying.


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