Monday, July 21, 2008

Poor, Poor Pitiful Me

I don't have enough time. And it's getting worse. I get screeners for movies I don't have time to watch. I get review copies of books I don't have time to read. And then I feel bad because when I do, by some chance of the stars, have time for something pleasure-related -- I never want to read or watch what I get sent for free.

It's frustrating.

This next week, by the way, is going to be hell. (Not this week, but next week.) My supervisor, whom I cover for, is leaving for a week. AND the copy editor, whom I also cover for (for whom I also cover?), is also leaving for more than a week. So I get to do three ... three ... three jobs in one!

It's going to be bad, I already know it. I'm trying to prepare. The most frustrating thing is that, outside of my job, the thing that demands the most of my time is family. I feel bad for being frustrated by that. But there are times when all I want is to go home to my quiet house and hunker down on the couch and read some and catch up on some laundry and do a little bit of cleaning and go to bed early. But my brothers consider my home their refuge away from home. Don't get me wrong; I like that. But what I don't like is how they call up and invite themselves over at precisely the times when I most want to not have anyone over. My friends do it, too. It's maddening.

I love them, but I also love being by myself every once in a while. At least I got my brothers to start calling me ... they were in this really bad habit of just stopping by whenever, and I managed to convince them that was a really bad idea. Sometimes I wasn't home. Sometimes I was working or otherwise engaged. And sometimes I just don't want any visitors.

Well, I'm running out of daylight already -- time to blow this popsicle stand.

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