Wednesday, July 23, 2008

True Blonde

I think sometimes that I am secretly a blonde. This is because I am ditzy beyond belief. Today I had one of those moments that made me re-check my hair color in the mirror.

I'm also trying really hard not to be frustrated at a loved one in my life (not D, thanks for caring). I just have one question: Is it reasonable to expect advance notice when someone wants you to go on an out-of-town trip? My schedule, as you may have gathered, is a hectic thing. This weekend I have volunteering on Saturday and a bar shift on Sunday. I can't do either of them because someone bought me a plane ticket ... and neglected to tell me exactly when I was leaving and returning.

Nice to buy a plane ticket.

Irritating as all get-out not to inform me as to my travel information.

I hold some blame here, too -- I should have asked, and asked, and asked again, until I got an answer. Today I made about eight phone calls (none of which the person in question answered) until I finally had to call this person at work, and he/she was all, "Oh! I didn't tell you?"

NO, you didn't tell me! And now I have to get this shift covered for the bar, and nobody can do it, and I don't know what the hell I'm going to do. It's beyond frustrating.

I need at least two weeks advance notice if someone wants to take up more than a few hours of my time. AT LEAST. If you want two days, it's better to make it three weeks. This person had to buy me a special plane ticket -- I can't go out with the rest of the group because I have prior obligations and can't leave when they are leaving. And then I have to deal with other members of the group acting all affronted because I've made plans already and I can't just drop them last-minute, no matter how much you'd like me to do so.


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