Monday, September 24, 2007


Just in case anyone needs to catch up on the happenings in my life ...

1. Saw Spamalot last week. It was highly amusing and I would recommend seeing it to any fan of Monty Python. There were references to other Python skits and movies, which were probably over most people's heads. I was also rather underdessed for the theater, I discovered -- nice jeans and a black velvet top and white Pumas are, apparently, not good enough. So now I know (it really HAS been a long time since I'd been to the Denver Center for the Performing Arts).

2. Then this weekend I went to the drive-in movie for the very first time ever! I know -- at the lofty old age of 26, I should have been taking more advantage of this wonderful feature of Denver. Sorry, people. I got to see Halloween (not as scary as the original) and Superbad (very funny). I wasn't expecting the kind of crowd that was there -- a little more ghetto than I thought it would be. Still a great time, complete with drag queens and a scary little concession stand selling questionable food. I hope it doesn't close next year -- I'd like to go again. Double features rule.

3. I will be leaving my post as a competent Sunday lunch worker at Chili's Applewood after October 7. I'm going to start driving to Conifer for my Sunday lunches, where they'll let me work the bar. I'm pretty excited about this development. Working behind the bar is a gajillion times more fun than on the floor, no one else gets to be back there so everything should be more or less in order, I get paid to do nothing but stand around and talk to my customers, and occasionally make a drink. Applewood was sad to see me go -- they even went so far as to ask if there was anything they could do to change my mind. Nope!

There's one server there who is one of those girls who has to find something bad in whatever it is you're doing. She reminds me of another Chili's girl from Columbia. So, for example, I tell her I'm leaving and she's like, "Does it ever get busy up there?" I told her at the moment it's a little slow, but once winter hits, people will not want to be driving down the mountain for their drinking and dining needs. Plus Conifer is the type of place where I can build up a clientele like the regulars we had in Columbia. Either way, it's better than working the floor on Sundays in Applewood. Then she's like, "Yeah -- except for the DRIVE." Um, hello? I live in Morrison. The drive is pretty much the same to both stores. She didn't really know what to say then; I'd taken the wind out of her "I-have-to-find-something-about-this-situation-that-you-don't-like" sails.

4. I love KGNU community radio (AM 1390). I like radio news. I like the music they play (seriously -- a three-hour reggae slot on Saturday? Sweet!). I've discovered some new artists since listening and it is now my favorite radio station, hands-down. I do, however, still enjoy Slacker and Steve on Alice 105.9 FM. Their afternoon show is pretty funny and very interesting to listen to, although I could do without their choice of music most of the time.

5. Lately there's been a lot out there about the power of thought (The Secret, What the Bleep do We Know). I think there is a balance at work here -- your thoughts don't entirely control the universe, but they do affect things beyond what most of us are willing to acknowledge. I find myself, in certain day-to-day interactions with people I don't like, thinking to myself, "Wow. I really don't like this person." I wonder if I were able to stop that vein of thinking, if I would feel more kindly toward these people.

Just food for thought (ha!)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

past times

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Murry's is still yummy -- everything I eat there, I think, "this is the most delicious ____ I've ever had in my life." And it's always true.

Your friends who are real friends will stay that way.

Shady people are still shady.

And some people, you'll just never get.