Monday, August 27, 2007


Driving to work this morning, I noticed there are already campers parked outside Sports Authority for the big winter sale, Sniagrab (that's bargains spelled backwards, for those of you who haven't heard/seen the ad).

Which begs the question: What do these people do for money that they can spend, literally, almost a week camping on the sidewalk outside the store, in search of the best deals? Sniagrab begins at 8 a.m. Saturday, so we're talking six full DAYS early to stake their place in line.

And: If they are well-off enough that they need not worry about earning money during these six days in which they will sit on the sidewalk, waiting for the sale, then why is it so important to get to the sale? Can't they pay full-price without taking a hit to their wallets? Or is that beside the point -- is it all about bragging rights, so you can tell your friends and acquaintances how little you paid for your winter sporting equipment?

Maybe they're taking vacation time. Now THAT'S a sad, sad thought.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Text Happy

I just had seriously the funniest conversation I have ever had with anyone via text-message. Here is the transcript (disclaimer: this is a joke. Neither of us were being at all serious):

Friend: How is your hair doing today?

Me: My hair is awful and my skin is worse. I look like a monster. Someone should just put me out of my misery now.

Me: Because if I can't be pretty, there's no point in continuing.

F: I agree. Beauty is most important. Wealth is a close second.

Me: Now that you mention it, maybe I can find someone wealthy to fund extensive plastic surgery procedures so I am no longer hideous ... Thanks!

F: I am rich and handsome which makes me the best.

Me: Can YOU spring for my Botox?

F: I guess so. I always have had a crush, just was never attracted. Now that I have the funds to mold you into a Barbie, I can't see a reason why I shouldn't.

Me: I just had a better idea ... If I cover every inch of skin with tattoos, no one will ever know how disgusting I am. And it's permanent!

F: Now that is a great idea. I wish your face were one tenth as pretty as your brain.

Least-Favorite Anniversary

I have a new one, and it's tomorrow. It will be exactly one year since I lost my father (and Sunday will be exactly one year since I found out I lost my father. Almost as bad, but not quite.).

I can't say it's been all bad. I've learned a lot about myself, and I no longer feel like I'm living in some twisted science-fiction novel where everything should be normal but isn't. Now everything is normal and feels like it shouldn't be. And eventually it will just be normal.

Since I no longer have him with me, I have to use what I know of his personality, his morals and values, to guess what he might be thinking about my life these days. Some of it he would disapprove of. I think most of it, though, he would appreciate.

I always thought I was remarkably spoiled for as old as I got before anything really awful happened to me. I don't necessarily wish for that mindset back -- like I said, I've learned a lot about myself and I feel like I am in a higher place now than would have been possible before all this happened.

So what have I learned?

*Don't lie to your family and don't lie to yourself. It will get you nowhere good. Be honest in critiquing and ascertaining your faults and your virtues. And don't allow others to tell you where you are or where you need to be. It might be worth it to listen to their advice, but the only one who really knows is you.

*Treasure and value the relationships you have. We really have no control over the last words we might say to a loved one -- make all your words count. Make all your actions count. You never know when it might end and you'll have nothing left but your memories. So make good ones!

*Be kind to yourself. It's okay to have heroes, but you will never be exactly like your heroes. And you are not supposed to be exactly like your heroes. Acknowledge and value your differences. Don't try to be something you're not.

*Therapy really works. If you feel like life is throwing things at you that you can't handle, consider it. It doesn't mean you're broken or crazy. It just means you know when you need some extra help.

*Savor the moment.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Starbucks Oracle

The oracle knoweth all.

Behold the Oracle's wisdom:

Personality type: Schmuck

You work your ass off because you're obsessed with money and status. You're always lying about having powerful friends. You wouldn't mind sleeping your way to the top but would miss getting to backstab coworkers along the way. All porn stars drink Triple Venti Nonfat Latte.

Also drinks: $15 martinis

Can also be found: Staring at self in mirror

Motion-Picture Perfect

I get to start doing movies at work! I'm so excited! Basically that means I get to edit all the corporate reviews that come in -- but I also get to attend press screenings, which is super-awesome, because I never get to go to the movies because of no time or money. But when it's free, and for work -- of course I can go!

I will also no longer have to submit my work through an editor before it gets to the copy editor.

Life is good. Now if I could only get that raise ...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

New Outlet

I like my MySpace blog, but this seems to have more potential -- and options.

I've been alternating all day between frightfully busy and dismally bored. I hope, I hope, I hope my day is almost done. But it's hard to say ... I have to wait on other people before I can leave, which I have never had to do before (except in the restaurant business), and it's hard.

On top of that, I'm finding it difficult to maintain a positive attitude today. And attitude is everything. But I find myself becoming increasingly annoyed by trivial things. Like this morning when there were dishes in the sink, and I do not allow dishes in my sink. At least they were clean; that's how I had to look at it, since I was beginning to get upset at the fact that someone other than myself had done the dishes and left them in the sink.

Regardless. It's difficult to have so much invested in people over whom you have no control. Although I've figured out that really, we don't have much control over anything -- we just think we do ("we" meaning "homo sapiens"). I don't consider myself a controlling person, in general. But sometimes you just want to grab these pertinent people and shake some sense into them. It would be easier than tiptoeing around their feelings, lest you say something to which they take offense.

My brain is too full.