Monday, November 19, 2007

things that are pissing me off right this very second

1. Clowns on the internet who think that racial slurs aren't racial if they don't use them racially. For example: "So-and-so is nothing more than a stupid n*****. And I don't mean that racially -- I call everyone who is stupid and low-class by that word."

Okay, moron, here's the thing: YOU might not think that word has racial connotations. But the last time I checked, 99.9% of people in this country DO think it has racial connotations. So, guess what? IT HAS RACIAL CONNOTATIONS. You can live in your own little bubble and make up your own little definitions, but that doesn't mean anyone else has to agree with you.

2. People who say they will do something, and then -- inexplicably -- fail to complete said task.

3. #2, but add excuses.

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