Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home

I have to say, I have more days where I enjoy unemployment than not. I'm currently freelancing with two different publications, hopefully soon to be three, and the amount of money I'll be able to pull in from the three of them is about what I was taking home from my salaried paycheck -- once you factor in that I'm no longer driving into the city and back every day, but also that I need to get some kind of health insurance sorted, which should more or less cancel each other out.

So basically, I'm getting paid nicely to write from the comfort of my home, and meanwhile, I can do yoga every morning and night, work out six days a week, keep the house clean and organized -- and work on my master's project. And once I'm finished with the project, I'll have the time to start looking for more publications that could use my freelancing skills.

Don't get me wrong -- I am still looking for a "real" job daily, and applying when I find one that seems like a good fit. And I do work every day writing for the two (hopefully soon to be three) publications; there's research and sometimes interviews involved, so it's not like it's free money. But it's all of what I enjoyed doing at my old job, minus the stuff I really hated doing (listings, ahem), and I'm actually making some money doing it. Pretty amazing. I feel very fortunate that I'm able to do that; it's giving me the luxury of finishing my project and taking my time selecting a job ... so that when I do find something new, it's something I'm excited about.

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