Monday, July 27, 2009


It seems to be turning out to be one of those days.

Went to cover for my former colleague today. The building is totally under construction -- only half of it is usable -- which means everyone is crammed into half a building, with half the number of bathrooms. Oh, and no kitchen. Stellar.

Had a couple of lovely certified letters from the IRS to pick up when I did get home.

My haircut hasn't gotten any better.

And I just tortured myself by looking at a bunch of photos on Facebook featuring two women with whom I used to be good friends ... until one of them did a bunch of psychotic, bitchy stuff. Myself and the other woman quit talking to her for a while. But now it seems they are visiting each other out-of-state ... and I don't get to talk to either of them anymore really, ever. I feel like the left out married woman.

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