Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Get On The Bus

I'm sitting on the Fung Wah bus (aka Chinese bus) to New York. It's only $15 per person so we thought it would be better than the train, although for that price, I have to admit I was kind of expecting a bus with chickens in crates interspersed along the ceiling, and let's not forget uncomfortable, cramped seats.

I'm pleasantly surprised to find it's more like a Greyhound. It is crowded; D and I are sitting across from each other. He's sleeping. He must be really tired; normally he can't sleep in moving vehicles.

I was particularly proud of us for making our bus on time. I thought I had the transit system figured out and we had plenty of time, but the train stop by Rachel's house is an outbound only, when we wanted inbound. We actually managed to walk to the next train station, catch the train and walk to the bus station (stopping along the way for some quick breakfast a la Dunkin' Donuts). And we made it!

Now for New Year's in New York. Should be interesting...

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