Sunday, January 4, 2009


I usually don't keep my New Year's resolutions ... hell, I'm pretty slack about even making them some years ... but I try to improve different parts of myself every year. Actually, make that every month, week and day. And I think I'm doing better in all aspects of my life now than, say, five years ago.

I'm not making any specific resolutions this year ... or rather, I am making one overarching resolution. I got the idea from this daily mailing I get. It's called the Daily Om. They're usually pretty hippied-out ideas, like, "The next time you're washing dishes by hand, connect with the water flowing between your fingers, and thank it for its cleansing properties." And this one was equally hippied-out. It was about a man who was seeking enlightenment and he asked his teacher whether he should make New Year's resolutions. His teacher thought it was a grand idea and told him to make two lists: One of everything he ever wanted to do or change in his life, goals, hopes, dreams, etc. And one of the practical, everyday changes he could make to get to where he wanted to be.

He stayed up all night making his lists. The next day, he showed them to his teacher, the pared-down list first. The teacher read the list carefully, then crumpled it up and threw it over his shoulder. The student thought, "Aha! He's right! That list was a cop-out. THIS list is the one that matters." And he handed over the complete list. The teacher, again, studied the list carefully, then tore it into pieces.

The student was a bit upset, but then the teacher explained: This list is a list of things you "should" do. And there is only one thing you "should" do to reach and remain enlightened: LOVE.

Everyone all together: Aaaww.

But I started thinking about it, and it kind of makes sense. I already eat pretty well, fairly healthily, but lately I've been thinking about going back to vegetarianism (except fish, including shellfish; I like it too much to ever do that again). I want to see if it feels better, if I'll have more energy. It will take more effort, but it's an act of self-love.

As is everyone's perennial favorite resolution: Exercise. I'm fairly good about that, too, but I want to get RIPPED this year. Like nobody's bidness. I've never had a ripped body, and I also have never done some other things that I feel I want to do ... like run a 5K, or even a 10K, or even a marathon! I want to run a marathon someday. I want to not finish last in the marathon, also.

And it's also about love for others. Like my cat. I call her dready kitty, because she doesn't groom herself, her hair is superfine and mats like crazy, and she has had some serious dreadlocks for a couple of years now. In 2009, I am going to get rid of those dreads. I've been brushing her daily. It's going to take some time, because she is almost completely matted through, but I've already made progress around her neck and shoulders. That is showing love to my cat, who will once again become the fluffy little supermodel she is inside.

And there are others ... love for my family, love for my friends. I want to be better about keeping in touch with people. Love for my spirit; continuing to spend some time every day just working on my relationship with the universe.

Yeah. I'm feeling love. I think I'm going to be journaling, too, to keep track of my progress. That always helps.

Oh, yes, and how was New York? It was all right. Fun, exciting, grand. But also full of concrete, smelly and dirty. I'm not a city girl. I learned that about myself on this vacation. Future vacations will be spent communing with nature instead of with urine-smelling subways.

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