Saturday, January 24, 2009

Go With the Flow

It's an almost universally acknowledged truth that energy creates a flow in the universe. The difference (in my opinion) is what people choose to name and how they choose to conceptualize that movement. And yet (also in my opinion), there are so many people who fight the flow. Or try to change its direction.

Take social and civil progress, for example. To me, it just doesn't make sense to deprive certain people of specific basic rights. Should there be age restrictions on marriage? Absolutely, because (presumably), every human will reach that age and thus be allowed to get married to whomever they please, except for a child or a close relative (which is just NOT good for the gene pool as a species). Not all that long ago in this country, we were debating whether former slaves would be allowed to get married -- to each other! If you look back at human history, there is a slow but inexorable march toward freedom for everybody and equality for everybody. That is part of the flow.

But it could just be me.

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