Monday, December 8, 2008

Wilde Times

It's been a while (sorry, Jocelyn!), but I was compelled to write when I turned on my radio to Alice 105.9 for the first time in several months this morning and it was the morning show with "BJ and Howie." And I thought, "what happened to Jennifer?" So I listened for a few minutes and sure enough, they had changed all the intros around to just list BJ and Howie. So when I got to work, I looked up Jennifer Wilde's MySpace page to see what the deal was and found that she had been a victim of downsizing.

Which, I think, is pretty freakin' lame. Her blog said that her contract was up and she'd expected to negotiate a new one, but that didn't happen; they just let her go. And the reason why this is lame is because Jennifer was the best out of the three hosts on that morning show. I used to listen to Wilde on Hollywood when I caught it in the mornings, and really anytime she was talking as opposed to when BJ or Howie are talking. I hold a serious dislike for one of those two -- either BJ or Howie, I'm not sure which, because I usually change the station when either of them is talking. But one of them is always going on about how his wife essentially is not allowed to do anything -- have male friends, go out by herself, etc. That's the path to divorce, according to BJ/Howie. I'm just waiting for his wife to meet someone new (less anal and controlling) in the checkout line at the grocery store.

Alice, you had a strong morning crew, that was certain. And I will still listen to Slacker & Steve on my drive home when they're talking and/or taking calls -- but your music sucks. By getting rid of Jennifer, you have lost 50 percent of my listenership. Good job.

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