Thursday, August 6, 2009

Automated Phone Annoyances

This morning, I had a phone bill to pay. So I'm sitting on the phone, listening to the Automated Phone Man giving me options, when all of a sudden, a sneezing fit overtakes me.

This is where I don't understand why you can't have a push-button versus automated option at the beginning of your call. Because for ten minutes, all I'm hearing is this:

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."

"Y-y-yes. AH-CHOO!"

"Sorry, I didn't catch that."


It's like the automated flushing toilets. Like when they flush on you when you're sitting down -- or, worse, just stood up and are trying to get out the door. I want to tell them, "Listen, I am not a non-flushing hooligan -- but please save the flush for when I'm almost out of the stall! I know what kind of germs and bacteria are being rained down upon me, for the love of god!"

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