Monday, August 17, 2009

Sometimes, I Really Love This Town

I was just on the phone with a local microbrewery's spokesman -- and the man who proved to me more than a year ago that, yes, I do like beer. Just snooty beer, apparently. He asked me how married life was (I'd boasted to him that I selected one of his introductory beers as my keg of choice), and he asked how the drinking was going.

I had bad news for him: Namely, I had to quit drinking beer. And wine. And everything. This is what happens when there's a recession and you don't have a job and you have bills to pay. Something, it turns out, has got to go. And for me, it was the beer.

He was shocked. Horrified.

And guess who is dropping off a case of his microbrewery's beer to me sometime in the near future?

Yes, I am a lucky duck indeed. 

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