Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kid, Incorporated

I just finished my very first of several Tuesday night babysitting gigs. It was fun, apart from when the kid woke up from his nap and found me there instead of his mom. We had a bit of a crying spell then, but it passed pretty quickly, and I explained to him the plan for the night: Play outside, read some books, eat some dinner, take a bath, jammies on and then Dad would be home.

Which is just what we did -- I forgot, somehow, how messy kids are! We made quite a splash in the mud, he stomped on some mushrooms in the grass, then we read a bunch of books about trucks. He ate some lentil soup for dinner ("ate" being a relative term; most of it wound up on his bib, but eventually made it to the mouth). We squirted each other with duckies while he was in the tub (lucky for me, at two, his aim isn't great), and had time to read a couple more books -- one about trucks and one about dinosaurs. I was halfway through a Little Golden Book I used to own, I think it's called Richard Scarry's Best Book of Words or something similar -- I know Lowly Worm, with his one sneaker, was in it.

And then it was time to leave.

All in all, a successful afternoon. I like playing with kids and getting paid for it

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