Friday, June 19, 2009

Music Makes the World Go 'Round

I am such a radio snob. Currently, I have a select few radio stations I listen to: 101.5FM, the independent radio station in Denver; 1390AM, Denver/Boulder's community radio station; and 1190AM, the University of Colorado's student radio station.

It's gotten to the point where if I hear too many commercials, I just change the dial. One of the worst offenders in this state for that is 106.7FM, the "alternative" radio station -- basically they play a bunch of hard rock, some of it good, most of it crappy. And about half their air time is dedicated either toward advertising or misogynistic "funny" talk by the show hosts. Both the AM stations I listen to play a very wide range of music; it's almost like a scavenger hunt to tune into those, because you really never know what you're going to hear.

And the friend who inspired my previous blog on changing relationships just invited me to be a fan of Afro Connection on Facebook. I'm sure it was a mass invite to all her friends, because she already knows that I think Afro Connection is one of the worst hip-hop groups I've ever heard in my LIFE. (Yes. THAT bad.)

It's one thing to toss my friendship aside as though it's nothing special or valuable. It's another thing altogether to insult my intelligence and musical taste. The first might be forgivable one day. The second ... well. I just don't know if I can ever look past that transgression, that's all.

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