Monday, June 1, 2009

Hair Apparent

You all can thank my conscientious friend Mrs. Walker for chiding me into writing again. It's true; I've been awfully neglectful of the blog. That stops ... today!

Those of you who have been keeping up with my doings via Facebook or MySpace know that I recently hacked off thirteen inches of hair. It's already grown at least an inch since that haircut, and I'm finding myself cheesed off at the length. It's right at the length where after I wash it, I really should blow-dry it and straighten it, otherwise it looks like crap. And it's also right at the length where I really need to wash it twice a week (when it was long, I could get away with once a week).

So, this leads me to wonder ... should I just cut it all off, a la me in college, again? Easier to maintain on a day-to-day basis. Needs to be washed more frequently, although no special maintenance is required post-shower; also needs to be cut every four to six weeks, no doubt. My hair grows like wildfire; if I keep it short and don't cut it regularly, I end up looking like Shaggy.

My other option is to grow it out again, which really won't take that long, given that my hair does grow like wildfire. Although I prefer to blow-dry and straighten it when it's long, it's not a necessity. And I don't have to wash the longer hair as often.

Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma. Any comments or advice would be appreciated.

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