Friday, July 11, 2008

Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be All Right

My brother told me some sad news yesterday. Art and Justin had a little dog, Marley, she was a mutt (a beagle mix, they think) that was found out in Missouri. They'd had her since December or January. My mom accidentally (obviously!) backed over her on the 8th and she died; they actually just had her cremated.

Marley was pretty light, not even thirty pounds, and when I came over she liked to stand on her hind legs and put her front paws up on my torso. I used to grab her paws and sway around with her and sing the chorus from that Orleans song, "Dance With Me," only I don't know all the lyrics, so my version went like this:

"Dance with me,
I want to be your partner,
Dance with me,
Ba da da da da da da
La de da dah
A wa wa wa wa
Dance with me"

I'm going to miss being able to dance with Marley. She also had a little white stripe on her top lip -- thin, like a baby milk mustache. She was super cute.

We'll miss you, Marley.

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