Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Go, Go, Go!

Here is my schedule starting as soon as I leave here, which I will do once this blog is posted:

* Work out (this will take about an hour).
* Head to Film on the Rocks to watch Labyrinth. Take notes and pictures.

* Stop by Red Rocks/Green Mountain Open Space on my way to work. Take notes and pictures.
* Write blog on Film on the Rocks.
* Write another blog on some food donations during the Mile High Music Festival.
* At 2 p.m., go to Silver Jeans store at Park Meadows. Take notes and pictures.
* Write Silver Jeans blog.
* Stop by dinosaur tracks on way home form work; take notes and pictures.
* Work out at home.

* Finish all listings for this week (there are at least a hundred of these to input).
* Catch up for next week.
* Write up my dinosaur/Red Rocks/Green Mountain findings.

* Go to memorial service for old family friend.
* Shakespeare in the Park (maybe).

* Work.
* Shakespeare in the Park, again (definitely). Take notes and pictures.

* Shakespeare blog.
* Try to get ahead for this week; people are going out of town and I need my wits about me.

Next Thursday I have a salon opening to attend as well as the sneak preview for the X-Files movie. On the same night. I'm going to be doing approximately three jobs, and leaving next weekend for a trip to my grandparents' on the momentous occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary.

The following Thursday I have a stationery store opening to attend.

Sometimes I just feel like I'm operating on autopilot -- which I will be for the next few days. It's mind-bending. Not to mention this party planning crap ... aaaargh.

It's gonna be okay though, I'm good at what I do.

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