Friday, July 4, 2008

Glorious Fourth

Today, as announced, I went to the Cherry Creek Arts Festival, where I was duly annoyed by humanity: First by the man at the gate who told me that they highly discourage dogs from coming into the arts area (coulda told me sooner!), then by the teeming hordes of pretentious people, which were everywhere, and which prompted me to don my "VIP Media" badge so they would stop shoving me out of the way while I tried to take pictures, and finally, by the man who told me I wasn't allowed to take pictures because he was too self-centered to see my "VIP Media" badge.


Also, I got sunburned just on my neck. Not a good look.

But the art, as it is every year, was way cool.

It feels weird that I have tomorrow off, too. Like a real weekend. Usually I only have one day off a week, and really not even that, since every other week I do volunteer work. I keep thinking I have to go bartend tomorrow, but I don't.

My brothers want to go watch fireworks later and I guess they expect me to go with them. I don't really feel like it, is the problem. I couldn't care less about fireworks and brouhaha. I love my country, but I don't really like the Fourth of July and all the surrounding accoutrements.

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